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Group photo of FFA students

District Leadership

FFA Students presenting in front of a crowd
FFA students presenting in front of a room

CRHS FFA Activities at The District Leadership Development Event

Sadie Shideler and Marcus Erpestad competed and brought home silver awards in the Creed Contest.

Kayne Pappas, Riley Berry, Cristobal Herrera and Britany Zepeda stepped up and helped serve food for 2 hours. They served right at 200 people and weren't asked to, they just noticed a single person trying to get a job done, she was very grateful. 

Emma Cordova and Emily Magana were able to be on the Courtesy Corp (I call these the FFA cops), Caitlyn Roberts and Ellie May were selected to the Nominating Committee which sits through all of the interviews and then selects the District Officers for the coming year.